Google Slides For a Family Reunion Quiz
Blogger Recognition Award

Recently, I was nominated for a Blogger Recognition Award by Elizabeth O’Neal at My Descendant’s Ancestors. What a fun way to share favorite blogs with fellow genealogists! Thank you, Elizabeth, for the nomination. I hope this “new” blog will live up to your expectations! THE “RULES” – Thank the blogger…
Using DNA to Reveal Grandma’s Father
On Location with The Family Nexus App
Hometown Tour: Family History Travel with Children
See You in Provo!

The Conference on Family History & Genealogy and the MyFamily History Youth Camp, both hosted by Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, are a mere two weeks away! These dynamic events are jam-packed with genealogy goodness and so many talented speakers and teachers. As one who began my obsession with…
Pass it Down… Organized!

This post is part of the The Genealogy Blog Party: Remember the Descendants hosted by Elizabeth at My Descendants Ancestors Her question this month: HOW WILL YOU PRESERVE YOUR FAMILY HISTORY RESEARCH FOR YOUR DESCENDANTS? My answer is one word: ORGANIZED!! Now, let me expand on my answer. As the one…
Why Boundless?

Boundless (adj.) – not limited in any way, having no boundaries Synonyms: vast, infinite, fathomless, immeasurable, indefinite (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Why “Boundless Genealogy” for this blog? To be sure, genealogists run into limits all the time: running out of available records for the time, place, or person we are researching,…