Category: Tutorial Civil War Regiment Histories
Brick Wall Bertha: Step 1 – A Genealogy Case Study
Genealogy Brick Wall Busting: Step 1 – Review Previous Research
Genealogy Clues on a Headstone
Your Ancestor in the 1890 Veteran Census Schedule
BIG Family History Clues in an Obituary
Introducing the Boundless Genealogy Video Channel
Obtain Death Certificates from the NYC Municipal Archives
Researching the History of Your NYC Ancestor’s Home

Do you find every aspect of your ancestor’s life fascinating like I do? From the occupation they practiced, to the type of clothes they wore, to the food they ate and the home they lived in, I really enjoy learning every detail I can about how my ancestors lived. When I was in NYC on my recent trip, I had the chance to dig a little deeper into the way our NYC Finlay cousins lived in Brooklyn from the 1850s-1920s.
Civil War Regiment Histories
Brick Wall Bertha: Step 1 – A Genealogy Case Study
Genealogy Brick Wall Busting: Step 1 – Review Previous Research
Genealogy Clues on a Headstone
Your Ancestor in the 1890 Veteran Census Schedule
BIG Family History Clues in an Obituary
Introducing the Boundless Genealogy Video Channel
Obtain Death Certificates from the NYC Municipal Archives
Researching the History of Your NYC Ancestor’s Home

Do you find every aspect of your ancestor’s life fascinating like I do? From the occupation they practiced, to the type of clothes they wore, to the food they ate and the home they lived in, I really enjoy learning every detail I can about how my ancestors lived. When I was in NYC on my recent trip, I had the chance to dig a little deeper into the way our NYC Finlay cousins lived in Brooklyn from the 1850s-1920s.