Family Food Traditions

Family Food Traditions -- Boundless Genealogy

Food. We all need to partake of it to sustain life. But food is so much more than utilitarian sustenance. Families have gathered for millennia to eat together, to socialize, to celebrate. And as they gather, they pass along recipes and food traditions to the next generation. Food is part of our cultural identities and one of the ties that bind us together. So, whether we realize it or not, our family food traditions are part of our family history.

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5 Family History Gift Ideas for Children

5 Family History Gifts for Children -- Boundless Genealogy

With the holidays right around the corner, it is time to make gift lists for our loved ones. For those of us involved in genealogy, what better way to share our knowledge and passion with our family than with a family history-related gift they can enjoy? This is especially appropriate for the children in our family. This season give a meaningful gift that connects your young loved ones to their roots.

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