Category: Tutorial FamilySearch Genealogy Citations | Use Them and Improve Them
Same Ancestor in Two Locations? | Migration Genealogy Research
Irish Coast Guard Records | Ireland Genealogy
Irish Civil Registration | Ireland Genealogy Records

If you have ancestors from Ireland, then you’ll want to dig into the Ireland Civil Registration records. Ireland Civil Registration recorded births, marriages, and deaths across the country beginning in 1864 up until the partition of Ireland in 1921. After 1921, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland kept separate…
Pandemics in History and Your Ancestors

With the worldwide concern over the spread of the Coronavirus, I thought we’d take some time to talk about outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics in history that affected our ancestors, and how to find the genealogical records that go with those disease outbreaks. Let’s take a closer look! Watch this episode…
Citing Sources in Genealogy | Complex Citations Made Simple
Civil Marriage Records for Your Family History Research
Church Marriage Records for Your Family History Research
Go BEYOND the Marriage Record Index on FamilySearch
FamilySearch Genealogy Citations | Use Them and Improve Them
Same Ancestor in Two Locations? | Migration Genealogy Research
Irish Coast Guard Records | Ireland Genealogy
Irish Civil Registration | Ireland Genealogy Records

If you have ancestors from Ireland, then you’ll want to dig into the Ireland Civil Registration records. Ireland Civil Registration recorded births, marriages, and deaths across the country beginning in 1864 up until the partition of Ireland in 1921. After 1921, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland kept separate…
Pandemics in History and Your Ancestors

With the worldwide concern over the spread of the Coronavirus, I thought we’d take some time to talk about outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics in history that affected our ancestors, and how to find the genealogical records that go with those disease outbreaks. Let’s take a closer look! Watch this episode…